New Mystical Foggy Scenes by Mikko Lagerstedt

Recently, Finland-based photographer Mikko Lagerstedt has put out some of his finest work to date. Called Infinity, the series shows a beautiful layer of fog sweeping through majestic landscapes both during the day and at night. “Most of the photos were taken this month in just two days time,” he tells us. “There is something about fog that gives you the sense of infinity and mood. Never know what is ‘behind’ the fog.”

As we’ve seen before, Lagerstedt captures most of the raw beauty of nature in camera before he alters his photos. “I don’t usually apply any filters in post processing when working on my mist images,” he says. “I try to get the image as good as possible when taking the picture. The perspective and light ‘management’ is very important for these kind of pictures.”

That being said, the photographer isn’t afraid to openly admit that he uses Photoshop and Lightroom. Recently, he even provided a tutorial for the image immediately below. Got to love what he states right at the beginning: “These kind of night shots are not possible if there is no fog.”

Mikko Lagerstedt’s website

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