Mike Stilkey’s Awesome Book Art Arrives in Hong Kong

Mike Stilkey is at it again! Recently, high-end retail boutique Joyce asked the L.A.-based artist to do an installation for the opening of their flagship store in Hong Kong. What a spectacular way to showcase a selection of his whimsical characters who bring new life to giant stacks of old books! Rather than creating just one large-scale piece, Stilkey decided to create a handful of mid-sized pieces that were displayed throughout the store.

The artist chooses this unique canvas for painting because he said, “There is something weighty and sacred about a book. I really like the idea of taking these discarded books that were once so important to someone and upcycling them into a piece of art instead of seeing them pulped or destroyed. In a way, I feel as though I am saving and immortalizing them.” Check out more of his signature characters here.

Mike Stilkey’s website
via [Daily Du Jour]

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