Quirky Illustrated Facts Reveal Fascinating Truths That Are Stranger Than Fiction

Fascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of Life

Here’s a fun fact: it’s illegal to pawn dentures in Las Vegas. And, did you know that in 1978, two kids digging in their yard found a Ferrari? These are just a couple of the fascinating pieces of knowledge that illustrator and author Mike Lowery shares through his popular Instagram. His illustrated facts reveal the quirkier side of life, presenting us with history and strange trivia that will certainly be helpful during a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit.

“Every morning,” Lowery writes, “before I start my day, I sit down and draw out some really weird fact that I found.” What started as a warm-up exercise is now a two-year-long project. Using a limited color palette and cartoonish style, Lowery hand letters bizarre truths that prove that facts are often stranger than fiction. Discovering, for instance, that a mushroom’s DNA is closer to ours than a plant is a reminder that the world is a weird and wonderful place.

After you’re done being enlightened by Mike Lowery’s work, learn some “sad” animal facts that are hilariously illustrated by Brooke Barker.

Every day, Mike Lowery shares new illustrated facts—proving that the truth is stranger than fiction.

Fascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeFascinating Illustrated Facts Reveal the Quirkier Side of LifeMike Lowery: Website | Instagram
h/t: [Design You Trust]

All images via Mike Lowery.

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