Monochromatic Nature Paintings by Michael Peck Capture Beautiful Moments of Solitude

In just a few days, artist Michael Peck will unveil a monochromatic collection of contemplative paintings in his solo show at the Metro Gallery in Melbourne. Throughout the work, entitled Sanctuary, Peck uses oil on birch to produce the blue-tinted artworks set within small, rounded frames. His single subjects or still landscapes invite viewers to reflect upon the solitude and peacefulness that can be found throughout nature.

Crisp details of a bird’s wings or a woman’s hair sit in direct contrast with a soft, hazy background. Peck blends realistic details with his imagination by painting clouds or flowing water that cascades across the canvas in unexpectedly surreal formations.

According to Metro Gallery, “Peck has always returned to nature as a place to escape and recalibrate. Escaping into the Victorian wilderness and distancing himself from the trapping of modern life, Peck aims to capture the moments we yearn for–moments of peace, understanding and clarity. Even if these moments are fleeting, they become even more precious because of their rarity.”

Michael Peck’s website
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