Breathtaking Close-Up Portraits of Wild Animals

We have seen some extremely captivating animal photography by artists like Agan Harahap, Brad Wilson, and Klaus Tiedge. In this series by photographer Michael Patrick O’Leary, we get to see yet another spectacular display of wildlife at its best. O’Leary said, “Animals keep you on your toes. It’s just a dance you have to do with them to try to frame something unique, find that window of light that will silhouette them cleanly.”

The photographer captures the animals in some extreme and abstract compositions, and he uses dramatic lights and shadows to create each unique depiction. The sharp detail is a direct result of his close proximity to the animals. He was granted behind-the-scenes access in order to help the Baltimore, Maryland Zoo with a fundraising event. Several of these images were ultimately used on posters to promote the zoo’s animal art auction, which raised money for zookeeper organization AAZK.

Michael Patrick O’Leary’s website
via [PDN Photo of the Day]

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