Mind-Boggling Psychedelic Architecture

At first, these images of misshapen homesteads boggle the mind. It’s like we’re looking at the Picasso of architectural homes. In fact, As it turns out, they’re just a series of brilliantly manipulated photographs that intrigue, confuse, and excite us.

Designer Michael Jantzen’s series, entitled Deconstructing the Houses, likes to combine different art forms, architecture and photography. “My work has always evolved through extreme innovation as I strive to expose new thinking, primarily through the re-invention of the built environment,” says Jantzen. Simply by taking fragments of the whole image, rotating, and re-piecing them together like a collage, the multi-faceted artist manages to create a new universe.

There’s a cartoonish charm about these deconstructed and reconfigured houses. The distorted residences may initially seem impractical to live in, but they’ve really grown on me. I’d like to see another project that brings these architectural anomalies to life.

Michael Jantzen website
via [Laughing Squid]

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