Beautifully Tangled 28-Foot-Long Table Constructed Entirely of Wood

Artist Michael Beitz’s impressive sculpture is a fantastic and playful take on your standard dining table. Titled Not Now, the 28-foot-long piece is made entirely out of wood, even as it twists and tangles at its center. Both ends are flat and invite you to take a seat. As you gaze towards the opposite setting, however, it becomes difficult to see the other side. You instead marvel at Beitz’s stunning handiwork. He’s masterfully shaped and curved the wood so that it looks as pliable as a soft piece of plastic.

The title of the piece can perhaps clue us in to the meaning of Beitz’s sculpture. Due to the table’s length and its visual obstruction, it’s hard to have a conversation with the person who is sitting at the other end. This could be a metaphor for botched communication or a simple, “I just don’t feel like talking.” Whatever the case may be, it definitely conveys the idea of “not now” in a beautiful, almost poignant way.

Michael Beitz
via [Contemporist]

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