Futuristic Sleeping Pods Recharge Modern Workers

During a typical day’s work, many employees start feeling tired by mid-afternoon. Who wouldn’t love to take a quick nap to recharge their batteries before pushing through the final hours? Unfortunately, sleeping on the job is frowned upon in many places of employment, but one company is hoping to encourage power naps to benefit both workers and their businesses. This is where the sci-fi looking EnergyPod by MetroNaps comes in.

This futuristic chair allows users to rest in comfort and privacy while taking a respite from a busy day’s work. The EnergyPods’ features include a privacy shield, built-in speakers that play music to eliminate distracting noise, and subtle vibrations and lights to gently wake you from your nap. If you’re worried about oversleeping, the design only allows you to nap for up to 20 minutes, so you won’t have to worry about missing any meetings or deadlines. Companies, like Google, are reportedly installing these chairs on many of their campuses in a bid to increase overall productivity and employee well-being.

MetroNaps’s websitevia[Toxel]

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