Fragmented Figurative Sculptures Pay Tribute to Human Emotion and Strength

Stainless Steel Sculpture Jordi Diez Fernandez


Barcelona-based sculptor Jordi Díez Fernández creates magnificent figurative sculptures out of steel. His growing collection of shiny metalwork includes various detailed depictions of the human form that brilliantly capture the essence of each subject. In 2016, the artist made a sculptural tribute to his wife Celia and his latest work continues to celebrate the people he admires, using cold metal to convey warm human emotions.

One piece, titled Sculptural Tribute to Carlos Martinez & Jos Galán, commemorates the two late Spanish architects. Pointing into the distance, the two figures appear to be excitedly discussing design plans. In another piece, Goddess Sedente, Fernández sculpted the form of a pregnant woman sitting on a steel plinth. As the artist reveals, this piece “represents the most profound secret of all, unattainable by reason: the fertile feminine principle and the maternity arising from its creative impulse.”

A third piece, Profundity, expresses a couple in love. Fernández explains, “The woman plunges into the depths of man’s nature and rescues him through an act of love, a kiss.” Other sculptures depict the power and strength of the human body, such as the muscular frame of a torso, a female tennis player mid-serve, and a blindfolded bowman, with muscular steel arms, ready to fire off an arrow.

You can find more of Fernández’s expressive sculptures on his website and Instagram.

Barcelona-based sculptor Jordi Díez Fernández creates magnificent figurative sculptures out of steel.

Stainless Steel Sculpture Jordi Díez Fernández


Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández


Stainless Steel Sculpture Jordi Díez Fernández


Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“Sculptural Tribute to Carlos Martinez & Jos Galán”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“Sculptural Tribute to Carlos Martinez & Jos Galán”

His latest metal-work celebrates human emotion and strength that brilliantly capture the essence of each subject.

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“Goddess Sedente”

“Goddess Sedente”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“Torso II”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“Torso II”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“Torso II”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández


Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“Tennis Woman”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“The Bowman”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“The Bowman”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“The Bowman”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“Mercury II”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“Mercury II”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez Fernández

“Woman II”

Figurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez FernándezFigurative Metal-Work Sculptures By Jordi Díez FernándezJordi Díez Fernández: Website | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Jordi Díez Fernández.

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