Real Life Story of Friends Who Discovered a Beautiful Message in a Bottle

These days, finding a message in a bottle seems like something out of a storybook. But this heartwarming tale is a real life experience that took place just recently along the shores of California. While some friends were fishing, they came upon a glass bottle that had washed up on the sand. Upon closer inspection, they discovered that it had a message sealed inside.

Finding that the bottle was tightly sealed, the friends used a pocket knife corkscrew to open the container. Upon unrolling the laminated, sealed message, they discovered a photo and a note from a family who had recently suffered the loss of a beloved family member, Mel. According to the short story on the page, Mel had a love for the ocean and so, after he passed, the family wanted him to continue his journey through the sea. They wrote down a brief summary of his life and placed it, along with a family photograph, into the bottle and threw it out to sea.

The family wished for Mel’s journey to continue, so after reading the note, the friends resealed the bottle and sent Mel back out into the ocean where his story will hopefully continue traveling along the shores of the west coast.

via [Viralnova], [Reddit]

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