Bearded Mermen Pose for a “Dudeoir” Calendar to Raise Money for a Good Cause

Merb'ys Mermen Calendar Newfoundland Beard and Moustache Club

Bearded men from eastern Canada are making waves with a new mer-creature themed “dudeoir” calendar—the male version of boudoir photoshoots. Organized by the Newfoundland and Labrador Beard & Moustache Club—“an inclusive beard and moustache club open to anyone who appreciates facial hair”—the money raised from calendar sales will go to Spirit Horse NL, a mental health organization that provides therapeutic interactions with horses.

The idea for the 2018 Merb’ys calendar came from NL Beard & Moustache Club’s founder, Hasan Hai, who was inspired by a merman themed photoshoot his friend sent him on Facebook. He decided to post an “open call to the universe” on social media, searching for bearded men who would be up for being photographed wearing nothing but a merman tail. Despite the strange request, Hai received around 80 responses from willing models. In case you were wondering, the name “Merb’ys” comes from the combining “mermaid” and “b’y” (which is Newfoundland slang for“boy”).

The range of sparkly mertails not only challenged gender stereotypes, but also the models themselves. As Hai explains, “Moving around in a fishtail is not as easy as you would think.” There was “a lot of hopping” going on in between poses.

You can pre-order the Merb’ys calendar now from the NL Beard and Moustache Club website.

Bearded men from Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada pose for a merman-themed “dudeoir” calendar.

Merb'ys Mermen Calendar Newfoundland Beard and Moustache ClubMerb'ys Mermen Calendar Newfoundland Beard and Moustache ClubMerb'ys Mermen Calendar Newfoundland Beard and Moustache Club

All proceeds will go to Spirit Horse NL—a mental health organisation who provide therapeutic interactions with horses.

Merb'ys Mermen Calendar Newfoundland Beard and Moustache Club

The mermen posed in pubs…

Merb'ys Mermen Calendar Newfoundland Beard and Moustache Club

…and in pumpkin patches…

Merb'ys Mermen Calendar Newfoundland Beard and Moustache Club

…and much more.

Merb'ys Mermen Calendar Newfoundland Beard and Moustache ClubMerb'ys Mermen Calendar Newfoundland Beard and Moustache ClubNL Beard & Moustache Club: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
h/t: [Mashable, Cosmopolitan]

All images via NL Beard & Moustache Club.

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