Old TV Converted into Fish Tank Resembling Seinfeld’s Apartment

Reddit user and avid Seinfeld fan Matt Davidson (a.k.a. matttheman11) decided to pay homage to the classic sitcom by using an old-school TV to build an aquarium resembling Jerry’s iconic Upper West Side apartment. According to Davidson, it only took him some basic tools, common sense, and 6-8 hours of time to create the perfect home for his fish Jerry, George, Kramer, Elaine, and Newman, named after the cast of Seinfeld characters.

The first step was to dismantle the old TV set, which Davidson purchased on Craigslist for only $30. Taking extra care to avoid risking electrocution, Davidson removed the TV itself, leaving the wooden cabinet intact. He fitted the fish tank inside the frame, and then proceeded to decorate the space with laminated background images and furniture that he made out of fish-safe modeling clay. After filling the tank with water, the aquarium was ready for its residents.

To check out the step-by-step process and safety precautions, head over to Davidson’s post on Awesomeness Projects.

via [Reddit]

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