Visually Pulsing Photos of Tokyo at Night Show the City Saturated in Neon Lights

Masashi Wakui Tokyo photos

Tokyo at night, washed in vibrant neon colors, is the inspiring subject of Masashi Wakui‘s stunning photographs. By focusing exclusively on the Japanese metropolis after dark, his work takes on a cinematic feel.

Using post-production color correction to coax even more hues out of the urban landscape, Wakui’s newest images show him pushing the saturation even further. Electric blue and shocking fuchsia tones have crept into the photographs, giving his work an increasingly surreal vibe.

In Wakui’s world, solitary figures stumble along the barren streets, magically lit by buzzing neon lights. They seem straight from a futuristic film or video game, walking along just waiting for the next big event to occur.

Masashi Wakui’s vision of Tokyo at night is saturated with rich, vibrant colors.
Masashi Wakui Tokyo at night

Masashi Wakui Tokyo at nightMasashi Wakui Tokyo at nightMasashi Wakui Tokyo at nightMasashi Wakui Tokyo at nightMasashi Wakui Tokyo at nightMasashi Wakui Tokyo photosMasashi Wakui Tokyo photosMasashi Wakui Tokyo photosMasashi Wakui Tokyo photosMasashi Wakui Tokyo photosMasashi Wakui Tokyo photosMasashi Wakui Tokyo photosMasashi Wakui Tokyo photosMasashi Wakui Tokyo photosMasashi Wakui: Flickr | Tumblr
h/t: [reddit]

All images via Masashi Wakui.

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