Single Dollar Bills Transformed Into Amazing Collages

Mark Wagner certainly appreciates the value of a dollar, especially in terms of creativity. The American artist produces all kinds of Currency Collages, cutting up dollar bills and transforming them into works of art. The artist is quite interested in the symbolic power that money holds, and so he transforms what is, ultimately, just a piece of paper into these intricate compositions.

Drawing on every detail of the paper currency, Wagner slices up each dollar bill and rearranges them into unique and unexpected scenes. The artist says, “The one dollar bill is the most ubiquitous piece of paper in America. Collage asks the question: what might be done to make it something else? Blade and glue transform it; reproducing the effects of tapestries, paints, engravings, mosaics, and computers; striving for something bizarre, beautiful, or unbelievable–the foreign in the familiar.”

If you like this work, you may also like Wagner’s 17-foot collage of the Statue of Liberty, here.

Mark Wagner’s website
via [Visual News]

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