Fun, Revealing Portraits of People After One, Two, and Three Glasses of Wine

Things can get a bit fuzzy after a few glasses of wine, but Brazilian photographer Marcos Alberti has found a way to clearly conserve and catalog the merrymaking effects of the adored alcoholic beverage. In his latest series called 3 Glasses Later, which began as a joking experiment, Alberti invited friends to his apartment for happy hour and snapped their portraits just as they arrived, when their faces still reflected “the fatigue after working all day long, and from also facing rush hour traffic to get here.” He then captured the way their moods and mannerisms shifted after one, two, and three glasses of wine.

The compositions are, as he says on his website, “nothing fancy–a face and a wall, three times.” But the close cropping against a consistent simplistic backdrop serves to highlight each subject’s authentic emotions. Despite their different styles, interests, and careers, the models convey a basic universality in the human response to a bit of a buzz: with the uncorking of a bottle comes the uncorking of expression, and more joy seems to pour forth with every glass.

Marcos Alberti: WebsiteFacebook | Instagram
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All images via Marcos Alberti.

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