Masterpieces Turned into 3D Printed Sculptures for Blind and Visually Impaired People to Enjoy

When admiring an artistic masterpiece, we often think about the artist behind the work, the medium itself, and perhaps the inspiration behind the work. What we don’t typically consider is that we’re fortunate enough to actually see what’s before us. “There are many people in the world who have heard of classical artworks their whole lives but are unable to see them,” explains Marc Dillon, who’s behind the Unseen Art venture. In an effort to resolve this issue, this project gives blind and visually impaired individuals the opportunity to touch prestigious works of art that have been transformed into 3D prints.

“We believe that exhibition-quality works will allow both blind and seeing people to enjoy art in a new way, and will lead the way to getting more donations of pieces,” adds Dillon. “Since all of the art produced will then be available on the website for free, an official exhibition can be downloaded and printed anywhere in the world to have a great, positive impact.”

As of right now, the Mona Lisa is the only completed 3D artwork, but curators are getting ready to compile an entire collection. To help them reach this meaningful goal, Unseen Art set up an Indiegogo campaign offering backers their very own touchable Mona Lisa. This piece can either be kept or donated to an organization that supports the blind and visually impaired. “Make a global impact together with us to allow blind, visually impaired people, and anyone interested in art to personally experience the inspiration, education, and thought-provoking feelings that meaningful art creates,” Dillon concludes.

Unseen Art: Website | Facebook | Indiegogo
via [The Creators Project]

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