Kind Man Rescues Wild Goose From Freezing to Death and Nurses It Back to Health

Man Rescues Wild Goose From Freezing Snow

In most instances, birds migrate to warmer climates during the winter. But this one unlucky goose got stuck in the snow somewhere near Iraqi Kurdistan during an icy snowstorm and nearly froze to death. Luckily, a kind-hearted passerby came to the animal’s rescue just in the nick of time. When the man first encountered the bird, it lay sprawled motionless in the snow, appearing as if it had already succumbed to the freezing temperatures. However, he still saw a bit of life in the creature, so the man gently carried the goose inside where he proceeded to warm it up using an electric hairdryer.

The thoughtful hero posted a video documenting the slow, nerve-wracking process of bringing the freezing bird back to life. And as he blankets the goose with warm air, you can see it slowly begin to move its head and feet as heat returns to its body. “My aim of this recording only is [for] each individual who sees this to realize [their] responsibility towards [animals],” the man explains in the video, hoping that his example will have a positive influence on others. “My only intention is to awaken emotions, sympathy, and compassion [in] some people who hurt animals and birds to not do so.”

After a while—and a great deal of warm air—the bird is completely thawed and able to stand and move on its own. In fact, the man declares the creature to be very much “alive and goosing” thanks to his much-needed assistance. But before returning the wild goose to its natural habitat, he gives the animal some food so it can regain its strength to brave the harsh winter conditions once more. Though the video doesn’t show what happened next, one can only hope that the rescued bird was able to safely find its way to a more hospitable climate.

Scroll down to see the full video of the kind man rescuing this vulnerable wild goose from the freezing cold.

This kindhearted man rescued a wild goose from the freezing cold and nursed it back to health.

h/t: [Reddit]

All images via Reddit.

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