Poetic Fountain Sculptures Designed for Water to Creatively Cascade

These stunning wood and bronze sculptures radiate a sense of tranquillity that complements the endless flowing water pouring forth from their limbs, hair, waists, and clothes. Created by Malgorzata Chodakowska, each piece balances beautiful lines with an energetic tension that speaks to the artist’s craftsmanship. Born in Poland, Chodakowska went on to study sculptural art in Warsaw and Vienna and this classical training becomes apparent in the immaculate details of her angelic water carriers.

Water fountains have long since been a symbol for eternity, youth, and the idea of infinite springing from apparent nothingness. So Chodakowska’s rapturous figures seem to be the perfect bearers of this vital element. Youthful and luminous, the beautiful sculptures nonetheless transmit an innate power and boundless feminine energy bursting with great vigor. Each endless stream poetically completes the figure (or figures), adding a sense of story and emotion.

Scroll down to watch a video of these fountains in graceful motion.

Malgorzata Chodakowska: Website 
via [Arteide]

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