Quirky and Confident Parisian Twins Share an Identical Life

London-based photographer Maja Daniels focuses her work on sociology, creating visual depictions of people blending together within society. So when she first saw these adult twins passing by, she was instantly intrigued. After observing them for many years, Daniels finally decided to approach Monette and Mady to ask if she could document their lives. The Parisian twins live a shared life, referring to themselves as “I” and often finishing each other’s sentences. They share an apartment, they work together as models and dancers, and most noticeably, the identical twins always dress exactly alike. They weren’t exactly sure why Daniels would want to photograph them, but they agreed.

For her project simply entitled Monette and Mady, Daniels followed the inseparable pair around, documenting their close relationship through their everyday lives and combining those candid shots with a series of posed ones as well. She says, “The more staged photographs are alternated with pictures of the sisters interacting naturally as they go about their daily business. Since Mady and Monette are both eccentric yet very private people, this combination reflects their lives, particularly since it is not always obvious to tell the two approaches apart.” The unique series features the two fun-loving women and their a quirky, active life filled with fabulous style and a strong sisterly bond.

Maja Daniels website
via [Photojojo]

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