China’s Modern Stingray-Shaped Art Museum

You may not have heard of the small Chinese island city of Pingtan, but due to a new government project in the area, it
may soon be bustling as a center of trade and as a new urban mecca. To capitalize on this future growth, China-based firm MAD released a proposal for a new museum to be built in the small city to act as a cultural destination. The Pingtan Art Museum will be the largest private museum in China and feature thousands of historical and national pieces.

The design is a smaller scale island of Pingtan, which coincidentally also looks like a stingray, and will be built in the bay with only a pier connecting it to land. Cement, local seashells, and sand will be used as the main building material, helping further connect the concept to the island’s heritage. The large undulating form will house cavernous interior spaces where the many historic artifacts will be held.

MAD’s website
via [Archdaily]

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