Maze of 6,000 Bottles Raises Awareness of Plastic Waste Excess

We just love the creative work of anonymous collective, Luzinterruptus, so we were excited when they contacted us to share details about their recent project, presented in Poland at the Katowice Street Art Festival. Labyrinth of Plastic Waste is a giant sculpture that was constructed out of old plastic bottles to “demonstrate, in a poetic manner, the amount of plastic waste that is consumed daily, in addition to focusing attention on the big business of bottling water, which leads to very serious problems in developing countries.”

Visitors were invited to enter the 23×16-foot space, which stood more than 11 feet high, and to wander through the maze-like pathways. The foundation of the construction was a metallic structure formed from reusable elements. 6,000 water bottles from a local manufacturing and bottling plant, as well as materials contributed by local residents, were placed in transparent bags which were then suspended from that metallic frame. During the day, sunlight sparkled through the colorful bottles while at night, the materials were illuminated with LED lights to create a magically glowing space.

The large installation was open to the public for 2 weeks. Appropriately, at the end of the Festival, the piece was completely dismantled and all of the elements were reused and recycled.

Photos by Gustavo Sanabria
Luzinterruptus website
Katowice Street Art Festival website

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