Exquisite Resin Necklaces Fuse Cosmos and Earth with Pressed Flowers in Crescent Moons

Artist Christina Hutchinson combines the cosmos and Earth in her series of exquisite resin necklaces. Through her shop called Luna Flora Designs, she sells inch-tall crescent moon pendants that are filled with real pressed flowers and strung on silver chains. The tiny blooms offer an intimate look at nature’s beauty, as the artistic process has perfectly preserved them in time.

Hutchinson has been enthralled with flowers since she was a young girl. “Both my mother and grandmother always had beautiful gardens and each season they would cut and arrange them around the house,” she writes, “coincidentally my mother became a florist due to her passion.” Hutchinson subsequently worked in her mom’s flower shop and currently has a garden where she harvests her stunning blooms. For her, combining this interest with jewelry made sense–she now strives to create tiny floral arrangements within the resin.

Hutchinson’s moon-shaped jewelry is filled with many different species of flowers, from blue hydrangeas to deep red Solidaster blooms. She will also produce custom jewelry using flowers that correspond with a wedding, anniversary, or any other special occasion. These pieces, along with other resin accessories, are available in her Etsy shop.

Luna Flora Designs: Etsy
via [Culture N Lifestyle]

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