Community Comes to the Rescue When Bride Loses Everything the Day Before Her Wedding

The women of Scotland’s Orkney Islands displayed an extraordinary amount of kindness when bride-to-be Lucia Sessions lost her valuable luggage. After arriving at her destination, Sessions was in the midst of every bride’s worst nightmare: her entire wedding wardrobe had disappeared in transit. To make matters even worse, her wedding was scheduled for the very next day.

With less than 24 hours to spare, Sessions’s hotel stepped up to the plate. “A Request for help!!” The Kirkwall Hotel staff wrote on Facebook. “We have a couple staying with us who are due to get married tomorrow afternoon – Their luggage has gone missing in transit, and she has no wedding dress, no wedding shoes, no wedding anything! Is there anyone that might be able to lend any of the above for an afternoon?”

Within 10 minutes, the compassionate hotel staff received their first response. More and more people continued to respond, share, and do all they could to help this down-on-her-luck bride. The women of Orkney offered veils, makeup, shoes, dresses, flowers, and anything else they thought would help. Before long, Sessions had her entire emergency wedding wardrobe assembled and she was ready to walk down the aisle.

“I’m really grateful for the dress that fit, but I would have been absolutely honored to wear any of your gorgeous dresses,” said the bride after her wedding. “I know they tell the story of your life, and it’s a story I’ll share too.”

Kirkwall Hotel: Website | Facebook
via [Mashable]

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