Lovely Fashion Illustrations

Laura Wesson is an illustrator, fashion lover, party lover, movie lover, chocolate lover. part-time lover, and toad kisser. Wesson’s beautiful illustrations capture her passion for everything she loves. With such a vibrant personality, it’s no wonder that her work is light, carefree and fun.

Laura was kind enough to answer questions about her background and career. Read that inspiring interview, below, while enjoying her wonderful work.

Where are you from? Can you please give us a brief description of yourself?
I am from England. I am small, smiley, I like chocolate and clothes, and traveling the world!

What inspired you to become a illustrator? How has fashion played a role in your life?
I have loved drawing since I can remember. When I was really young, I used to draw cartoons and Disney characters and when considering a subject to study at uni, I always thought I would do an Animation course. It wasn’t until a great tutor of mine suggested I try an Illustration course, as I was always more keen on the drawing part than the computer part, so it went from there. My interest in fashion came when I was working in H&M to support myself during my studies. I just loved working in that shop. I loved knowing the fashion trends, styling the mannequins, finding my own style. I started to incorporate this interest into my illustrations and I found my work took an exciting new direction.

How would you describe your own fashion style?
I’m not the “girliest” of girls, I prefer ripped jeans, slouchy tops to flowers and pearls. I love vintage finds, little ankle boots and old bags are amongst my favorite items I have found. I’m not bothered about wearing designer names, but if I love something I have to have it – even if, unfortunately, sometimes that means spending my life savings!

How do you stay creative? Who are some artists/fashion designers that have inspired you?
I trawl through my magazine collection or go buy more to add to it, I might wander through the shops and I’ll always find inspiration there somewhere, sometimes I have so many ideas in my head I just don’t have time to get them all down on paper! I love going to small galleries or looking through illustration books at other artists to inspire me, I love Stella Im Hultberg, My Dead Pony, Christopher Kane, Alexander McQueen.

What advise would you give to aspiring fashion illustrators?
Create work that your clients could use just to give them ideas. They might love your work, but won’t know how to use it, so show them yourself. Wxplain how you could see your work working for them and where they could use it. Just don’t give up, it’s really, really competitive out there. Put effort in all your emails and promotion. Eventually, the right person will see your work and give you that break and it will all be worthwhile!

Laura Wesson’s blog and website

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