Artist Uses 6,000 Screws to Create Powerful Portrait About Choosing Love Over Evil

Artist Andrew Myers‘ newest screw art piece speaks to the amazing ability that love has to triumph over evil. “Love Wins” is a 6′ X 4′ sculpture that presents an uplifting commentary on the distress that pervades the world. Composed of over 6,000 screws set at various depths and then hand-painted one by one, the piece comes at an all-too-relevant time.

With a gentle finger blocking the muzzle of a .357 magnum, the entire piece speaks to the power we have to push back the evils of the world. The simple gesture of a slender raised finger causes the barrel of the gun to explode back upon itself, ricocheting outwards. Myers was inspired to create this work as he looked at his five-year-old son one evening. The innocence and purity he saw in the child directly contrasted with the external chaos that terrorizes our world today. Myers tells us in an email: “Theres so much beauty in our world but theres always constant reminders of uncertainty, evil and fear. Its obvious that our world is in distress, it has been for a long time. I started imagining a new piece of art that would translate purity, pushing evil back.”

Myer’s screw sculpture is a simple yet powerful reminder that love will always win. “When I think about it,” he continues, “it’s something that we essentially have to believe in and have hope for. I believe that for my son. I wanted to do this piece to remind people that innocence and purity and love are greater than evil.”

Andrew Myers: Website | Facebook | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Andrew Myers.

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