New Social Media Ads Celebrate the Beautifully Diverse Faces of Love

Inclusivity is a meaningful concept that acts as a catalyst for growth and education. Specifically, learning about those who are different from ourselves gives us the opportunity to open our eyes and our minds. As we discover the obstacles marginalized people face, we can gain and spread awareness to make our world a better place for future generations. This inclusivity-based idea motivated the Ad Council to create the Love Has No Labels campaign, which aims to start conversations about disability, race, sexuality, and religion. In an effort to reach a broader audience and create a dialogue, Ad Council teamed up with Facebook and Instagram to design sponsored ads featuring photographs of those who’ve faced discrimination.

Ad Council’s overall goal is to show viewers just how harmful bias can be. “There are really subtle forms of bias–and we all have them,” states Ellyn Fisher, Ad Council’s senior vice president of public relations and social media. “We want to make people stop and think about their preconceived perceptions that may not be based in reality.” So far, this strategy seems to be reaching a significant number of people. Since the campaign began on October 28th, Love Has No Labels ads have reached more them 4.5 million people. About 200,000 individuals even took the time to go on the project’s website to learn more. After achieving these extraordinary accomplishments, Ad Council has decided to extend this venture so that they can continue to spread love and awareness.

Love Has No Labels: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [Mashable]

All images via Love Has No Labels.

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