Artist Transforms Gallery Walls into Vibrating Electromagnetic Waves

Italian artist Loris Cecchini combines photography, drawing, sculpture, and installation in his works with the ultimate goal of forming unified poetic motion. This creative process is most evident in his latest series Wallwave Vibrations, where the installations seem to pulsate outward from within the walls.

Each piece is first digitally produced and then fabricated with polyester resin before being seamlessly applied to a flat surface. This process and the materials allow for the waves to seemingly ripple and undulate across the walls fluidly. The series falls under his “extruding bodies” projects, as it is “a physical manifestation of a pulsation resembling a fluid’s whose balance has been disseminated to form a delicate electromagnetic wave. With these works, the context of the space is transformed and fragility is incorporated within the supporting structure as the artist simultaneously uses space as a subject and material, establishing at the same time new definitions of sculpture.”

Cecchini works across a broad range of media, and also credits his unique artistic style to his indefatigable curiosity. He often incorporates elements from interdisciplinary fields including chemistry and technology, and likes to playfully push the boundaries of art. His creative process can almost be described as scientific, as he initially examines his modules with basic 3D or watercolor studies, and progressively moves toward exploring the particularities of certain natural elements.

Cecchini’s portfolio and other subjects of artwork can be found on his website.

Loris Cecchini: Website
via [Juxtapoz, Colossal]

All images via Eloisa Reverie Vezzosi and Loris Cecchini.

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