Smoke Signals Paint Mexico’s Desert Sky

Spanish photographer Lola Guerrera ventured out into the desert of Mexico to explore nature, and to see what happens when you intervene with it. Nebula Humilis is a collection of photographs featuring artificially colored clouds drifting against a natural backdrop.

Guerrera tosses smoke-signal containers of household materials into the landscape to create the poofs of color that float mysteriously along the desert sands or mountain peaks. Her intention is to mimic large-scale volcanic activity that occurs near the open mouth of a crater.

Through this project, Guerrera explores the powerful forces of nature that are beyond any human control. She also reminds us of nature’s vulnerability, which stems from human destruction. The synthetic, vibrant colors, formed within this unaltered landscape, represent Guerrera’s interest in materialism and the human tendency to excessively exploit natural resources.

If you are interested in this project, you may also want to check out these artificially produced clouds within interior spaces.

Lola Guerrera’s website
via [Pulmonaire]

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