New Charmingly Witty Animal Comics by Liz Climo

Web Comics With Delightful Animal CharactersAnimator and web comic artist Liz Climo is known for her charming sequential stories that feature a cast of witty animal characters with a warm sense of humor. When we last spoke to Climo, she had just released a book of delightful comics called Lobster Is the Best Medicine that showcases 75 never-before-seen cartoons. The charming one and two-panel pieces reflect amusing sentiments from everyday life told through the eyes of adorably-drawn snakes, rats, goats, and more.

Over the past year, Climo has continued to develop her characters around the theme of “friendship” in its many forms. Sometimes, the animals have fun by dressing up in silly costumes for Halloween or holding a makeshift seance. In other instances, they provide emotional support for each other. One of Climo’s more poignant panels features a bunny telling a bear, “I made us a healthy dinner,” to which the other creature replies, “I had a terrible day.” The rabbit responds just as a pal should by replacing the plate of greens with a tower of pizza boxes. “Don’t worry,” the bunny says. “I have a backup dinner.” That sounds like a friend for life!

Comic Artist Liz Climo Makes Charming StoriesWeb Comics With Warm Sense Of HumorWitty Animal Characters In Delightful Web ComicsWeb Comics With Amusing SentimentsComic Animator Brings Adorable Animals To LifeWeb Comic With Charming Animal CharactersCharming Animal Stories With Warm Sense Of HumorAdorable Comics With Animal FriendsWeb Comics By Animator Liz ClimoAdorable Animal Characters In Charming Web ComicsAmusing Sentiments In Liz Climo's ComicsHumorous Animal Comics By Animator Liz ClimoWarm Sentiments In Web ComicsLiz Climo: Tumblr | Facebook | Twitter
via [Neatorama]

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