Robotic “Smart” Planter Chases the Sun to Keep Its Succulent in Sunlight

Smart Planter by Vincross

Have you ever noticed how a plant instinctively grows towards the sunlight? Called heliotropism, it’s a phenomenon where leaves point in the direction of the light—the source of their nutrients. Most of the time, you’ve got to position your plants just right so that they are getting the food they need. But thanks to an adorable little robot, you’ll never worry about your plants getting too little or too much sun again. A Chinese company called Vincross has built a mechanized creature that chases the light and retreats into the shade to ensure that a plant will thrive.

The gregarious robot is the brainchild of Sun Tianqi. Through Vincross, he developed a robot named HEXA and has since adapted it to hold a small succulent plant. Part planter and part crab, the six-legged device can sense when the succulent needs light or shade and even stomp on the ground when it needs water. (Tianqi explained his concept in a Vincross forum, although it’s still unclear as to how it understands these needs.)

Regardless of how the smart planter knows when to accommodate a succulent, it’s undeniably an incredible and adorable way to take care of a plant. In addition to being a robotic nanny, the device can dance when it’s happy and even play with you. Watch it in action below.

Have you ever worried that your plant was getting too little sun? Never worry again with this robotic smart planter by Vincross.

Smart Planter by Vincross

The adorable device chases the sunlight to ensure a succulent is getting enough nutrients…

Smart Planter by Vincross

… but will retreat into the shade, too.

Little Robot Smart Planter

It stomps on the ground when the plant needs water…

Little Robot Smart Planter

… and can have fun with you, too!

Little Robot Smart PlanterLittle Robot Smart PlanterVincross: Website
h/t: [The Verge]

All images via Sun Tianqi.

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