Quilled Paper "Carpet" Mimics the Exquisite Details of an Ornamental Rug

Artist Lisa Nilsson‘s body of work is united by a common thread of intricacy and breathtaking detail. Jardin and Gospel are the newest additions to her Tapis Series, which includes Japanese mulberry and gilt-edged quilled strips of paper arranged into remarkable arrays of colors and patterns that are a testament to her amazing abilities. Starting from the center and working progressively outwards, Nilsson’s tedious paper creations can take several months to complete, but the final results are profoundly stunning.

Jardin, the most ambitious piece the artist has completed to date, was inspired by the color and composition of an Islamic carpet. The ornate floral forms were improvised in the 8 months it took to complete the 27? by 34? inch frame, woven symmetrically into the rich red-wine tones. The second piece, Gospel, was created using tightly rolled gilt-edged papers to resemble a religious book cover. The golden paper and detailed designs framed in black truly seem to protect words of worship, hidden behind the artistic casing.

Working with the interactions between positive and negative space, Nilsson’s tight paper coils do all the work as amazing shapes emerge out of the tiny strips of paper. Through the series, Nilsson seeks to explore the commonality she shares with other makers of decorative objects around the world. Complex textures and curves form captivating final compositions in her ever-growing portfolio.

Above: Jardin

Jardin detail

Jardin detail

Jardin detail

Jardin detail

Jardin detail


Gospel detail

Gospel detail

Gospel detail

Lisa Nilsson: Website
via [Colossal]

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