Charming Comics Illustrate How Dogs Are the Best in the Funniest Ways

1- Lingvistov- Landysh Akhmetzyanova-dog

Drawing duo Lingvistov explores the kind-of-annoying-but-totally-endearing habits of dogs through a series of whimsical illustrations. The artists maintain that “nothing can make your day better, sunnier and more special than a portion of good humor and funny pictures.” As such, they create drawings that feature the humorous habits of our four-legged friends, from their uncanny ability to convince us that our food is actually their food to their constant need to go outside (and inside . . . and outside again . . .).

Founded in 2012, the creative collaboration combines the artistic and linguistic talents of language teachers Landysh and Asia. Specializing in delightful doodles and lighthearted illustrations, Lingvistov puts a silly spin on what really matters, like lovesleep, and now dogs. Drawn by Landysh, the twosome’s resident doodler, each pooch-related picture features the simple, stylized illustrations, cheerful, bright colors, and cheeky captions characteristic of Lingvistov’s cards, prints, and books.

Just in time for the new year, Lingvistov has compiled the cute comics into a quirky calendar, “because no matter what time of year it is, your dog is there to love you.” Printed on A4 paper and featuring a different drawing for each month, the calendar is an adorable way to watch the (dog) days go by. And, if you’re more of a cat person, you’re in luck—there’s a kitty calendar, too.

You can shop more silly products in Lingvistov’s online store.

2- Lingvistov- Landysh Akhmetzyanova-dog3- Lingvistov- Landysh Akhmetzyanova-dog4- Lingvistov- Landysh Akhmetzyanova-dog5- Lingvistov- Landysh Akhmetzyanova-dog6- Lingvistov- Landysh Akhmetzyanova-dog7- Lingvistov- Landysh Akhmetzyanova-dog8- Lingvistov- Landysh Akhmetzyanova-dog9- Lingvistov- Landysh Akhmetzyanova-dog10- Lingvistov- Landysh Akhmetzyanova-dogLingvistov: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
via [Upworthy]

All images via Lingvistov.

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