Translucent Paint Layers Capture the Energy of Ocean Waves

Cambridge-based visual artist Lia Melia creates strikingly energetic paintings where curling and crashing ocean waves splash and splatter across the canvas. Having grown up near the sea, that is where artist Lia Melia continues to find her inspiration. “The seas moods can always express my deepest feelings,” she explains.

Melia uses a technique that is unique to her work in which she bakes powder pigments and paints onto a sheet of aluminum or glass. Through this process, she can obtain translucent layers which she says “can glow with light.” She uses a wide range of color palettes, from cool blues and greens to passionate reds, oranges, and golds. Regardless of color, every piece is as original as every ocean wave.

Lia Melia: Website | Facebook
via [Ruines Humaines]

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