Bright Red Lights Illuminate a Bed Covered in Eerie Mist

Based in Beijing, artist Li Hui uses modern technology, lights, lasers, and LED lights to create fantastic, illuminated displays. In Reincarnation, the Chinese artist used fog, metal, medical bandages, and bright red laser lights streaming down from the ceiling to light up an everyday bed frame underneath. As the light passed through the air and across the object’s surface, a ghostly mist can be seen rising from the top of the bed. The overall vibe from the installation evokes eerie feelings of uncertainty, where on edge viewers wonder what other invisible things may be revealed.

The foundation of the piece is an object on which we sleep, a place where we often experience hazy images, thoughts, and emotions within dreams and nightmares. The artist transformed what is usually a private space into a stunning display of lights in an attempt to evoke emotions. He says, “I understand that there are elements in my works that might make people feel a little puzzled or even a little scared when first confronted with them. However, from what I have experienced, it is not just the [strong] visual impact, but also the ‘otherness’ or their mysticism that can have this kind of result.”

The artist says that photos don’t do the project justice, and that viewers can get a better idea of the piece through video, which can be seen below. If you enjoy this kind of light installation work, you will appreciate another of Hui’s pieces, a very similar project entitled Transition.

Li Hui’s website
via [My Darkened Eyes]

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