Young Intern Sets Herself Apart with LEGO Model Resume

To find a good job these days, handing over a paper resume just isn’t enough. It’s important to make yourself–and your resume–as memorable as possible. Taking this into account, a young woman named Leah decided to go all out and she developed this impressive presentation.

She designed a LEGO model of herself and sent out a number of internship applications to a variety of advertising agencies. Alongside the LEGO model, Leah included a cover letter that described her skills and qualifications. The creative job application has been a big hit on Reddit and has gained a ton of attention. Though she hasn’t yet heard back from the companies, the project is certainly a reminder that it is important to distinguish yourself from the rest when applying for jobs.

On Imgur, Leah said, “I wanted a fun way to stand out to agencies and get my resume out of the trash can–I’ve always loved LEGO and I created this set to highlight my creativity, skills and initiative! It’s something I hope to be able to send out along with a job application.”

Leah on Imgur
via [AdWeek]

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