Stunning New Laser-Cut Wood Relief Sculptures by Gabriel Schama

Oakland-based artist Gabriel Schama continues his adventures with his trusty laser cutter (affectionately called “Elsie”) to produce his distinct, intricate wood-relief sculptures. By layering pieces of laser-cut mahogany plywood, Schama’s works are able to achieve a 3D effect, offering a patterned sense of depth. His silhouetted faces swirl with natural objects, such as sun rays and leaf motifs, but it is the architectural mastery of his geometric mandalas and layered portraits that create the bulk of Schama’s new collection. Each piece exudes motion within its still frame—like peering into a clock’s inner cogs just as it has stopped moving. That is the impressive element of Schama’s work: the fantastical aspect of his work leaves viewers holding their breath; and, perhaps, if they stare long enough, the piece will swirl to life before their very eyes. 

Schama’s work is currently for sale, but is selling out fast. He has plans to add the second half of his stock to his shop‘s inventory this coming month, so check back often for more.

Gabriel Schama: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Shop
via [Colossal]

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