Fashion Photographer Captures Model with a 0.3 Megapixel Children's Camera

Believe it or not, renowned fashion photographer Lara Jade shot these photos of a beautiful model using only a 0.3-megapixel camera. Yes, you read that right. Less than one megapixel – smartphones take better pictures than that! The reason for this major downgrade was that Jade took the Cheap Camera Challenge by DigitalRev TV.

The photographer was tasked with shooting haute couture fashion photos on the streets of Hong Kong using an Anpanman camera, a children’s toy. It gets its name from a Japanese picture book where the character’s head is actually a bun (and whose face is on the front of the product). Besides her cheap tools, Jade also worked against a time constraint. She was only in Hong Kong during a six-hour layover and needed to capture at least six different photos with three different looks.

The results from the challenge might be what you’d expect. Jade’s images are well composed and the model looks gorgeous, but without more megapixels, the quality is grainy. Instead, the distorted aspect gives them an almost surreal, dreamlike feeling.

Laura Jade website and DigitalRev website
via [Lost At E Minor and PetaPixel]

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