Quirky Illustrations Reveal Why Couples Truly Love Their Partners

Artist Landysh Akhmetzyanova and her colleague Asia (a duo better known as Lingvistov) were chatting in a cafe about past loves when they realized something: most relationships are a series of comically relatable moments. With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, Lingvistov was inspired to create 21 Reasons Why I Love Him and 21 Reasons Why I Love Her, two illustrated books depicting a true-to-life form of love. “I really wanted to celebrate love and relationships! Because it’s a beautiful thing. But I am not a cheesy person,” Landysh told The Huffington Post. “I decided to show what relationships are really about: We love people with all their imperfections and all the weird stuff they do. It makes them so special for us and it definitely makes our lives much more interesting!”

Whether it’s the movies they watch together, the playlists they make for each other, or the (sometimes) edible foods they cook and eat together, the artist’s illustrated couple serves to remind us all that love isn’t always about grand gestures. The little things can be just as meaningful.

Lingvistov’s illustrations are now available to purchase as a book through the artist’s online store.

Landysh: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Books
via [The Huffington Post]

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