Lovely Landscapes Made from Safety Cones

Now here’s something you don’t see every day. Artist Lana Shuttleworth creates idealized landscapes by cutting, carving and then nailing down thousands of small pieces of safety cones. Currently showing at the George Billis Gallery in Los Angeles until June 16 is her intriguing series called Ethnomorphic Landscapes.

I like what Holly Myers from the Los Angeles Times said about her work: “Who knew that this humble, road-battered fixture contained such an astonishing range of tones and textures?”

Why did this artist choose to work with safety cones, you might ask? Here’s her explanation from her website: “My current medium, the ordinary safety cone, informs my work. The surface of the cone bears the evidence of life with the marring and scaring that comes from surviving a fast and relentless urban existence – and that is precisely where so many of us find ourselves these days. With a safety cone, I can strip away the pretext of traditional mediums and lure the viewer to enter art cut from the extraordinary ordinary.”

George Billis Gallery website

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