Beautiful Bird Drawings by Brazilian Street Artist L7m

Brazilian street artist Luis Seven Martins, aka L7m, continues to produce amazing illustrations that blur the lines between abstraction and nature. Rather than taking to the streets, this time L7m turned his spray paint and acrylics to a number of canvases. His expressive collection features stunning bird forms that emerge from a beautifully chaotic background. It’s as if the creatures are peacefully emerging from the energetic confusion of his blended brush strokes.

The artist uses a variety of techniques to create circular swirls of bold colors that are juxtaposed with the realistic birds. His signature style adds motion to each piece and creates a sense of disorder that emanates from the composition. Through his work, L7m strives to create “contradictions and uncomfortable feelings in the observers” by exploring ideas of nature and beauty mixed with the chaos of our urban environment.

L7m on Facebook
via [Lustik]

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