Ethereal Figures Wrapped in Bandages Explore Pain and Emotional Captivity

Figurative paintings of women draped in gauze explore concepts of emotional imprisonment and inner strength in Kwon Kyung-yup’s melancholic series, aptly titled Bandages. Perfectly formed in paint, her creations are physically unflawed yet their emotional turmoil clearly seeps through every pore. Minimal in both detail and color, Kwung-yup’s portraits manage to convey a hauntingly upfront and honest sentiment exposed through the layers.

Described as “inhuman and immaculate beings, as if the body is merely a storage for deep memories of pain, loss, and trauma” her subjects are simultaneously familiar and alien to us. Sharing unflinching moments of pain, the tears her figures shed don’t seem to indicate weakness, but rather a deep, quiet resilience and ability to endure. The inclusion of bandages points towards the presence of a wound—though be it physical, spiritual, or emotional, is something that Kyung-yup’s audience is left to interpret on their own.

Kwon Kyung-yup: Website | Facebook
via [ThinkSpace Gallery]

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