Cutest Little Girl in Japan Perfectly Captures the Joys of Childhood

Photographer Kotori Kawashima happened upon his most iconic subject yet when a friend introduced the artist to his 4-year-old daughter. With her rosy cheeks and adorable expressions, the young girl was a natural in front of the creative’s lens. According to Kawashima, she didn’t notice the camera most of the time, since she was too busy going on adventures, and this made for many eye-catching, candid shots. As they explored the beach, Paris, ice creams parlors, and various neighborhoods, the 4-year-old gained the nickname Marai Chan (or Little Miss Future). When the artist later published a book on this series, he named it after her and it soon became a best-seller in Japan.

“I think that children are free, it is very interesting to listen to what they say, not boring to watch them, and they are so energetic,” Kawashima explains, when discussing why he loves using Marai Chan as a subject. “Everyone has a childish side, so I love to find it in my friends and people I meet for work.”

Kotori Kawashima: Website | Amazon
via [So Bad So Good, Kitsun Journal]

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