Adorable 7-Year-Old Dances His Heart Out at Recital and Steals the Show

Dancing like no one is watching
byu/UrbanCyclerPT innextfuckinglevel

Few things are as contagious as the happiness of a 7-year-old. Just look at Klein Kwagga, a boy from South Africa who has melted hearts with his passionate performance at a school recital. The young man not only gives it all as he dances to the song “Lyfie” by Bernice West, but he also nails the moves with the charisma and talent of a professional dancer.

The moment was captured by many parents at the recital and posted to TikTok. The video shows the little boy confidently moving his arms before switching to a full body choreography that seems to be his own creation. His joy then inspires his classmates to follow the rhythm in their own way.

The video has been such a sensation that Klein has become a celebrity in his own country. After West herself saw the video, she reached out to the boy, and they’ve since performed together at the Rugby Sevens in Cape Town in front of thousands of people. Actor Siv Ngesi also met Klein, and shared a video of him happily dancing alongside some staff members who had learned his choreography.

Since the original video launched him to stardom, Klein started his own TikTok account. There, he continues to share his adventures, which include a whole lot of dancing.

Klein Kwagga, a boy from South Africa, has melted hearts with his passionate performance at a school recital.


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Una publicación compartida por b e r n i c e (@bernicewest_)

The video has been such a sensation that Klein has become a celebrity in his own country.


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Una publicación compartida por Siv Ngesi (@sivngesi)

Klein Kwagga: TikTok
h/t: [Neatorama]

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