Everyday People Wearing Cosplay Costumes in Their Homes

In light of the recent Halloween celebrations, one might assume that these portraits are the result of an extended costume rental or an elaborate photo shoot due to a massive sugar high. In reality, the series is a long-term project created by photographer Klaus Pichler. Entitled Just the Two of Us, the photographs feature performance artists who regularly participate in a variety of role play practices where costumes and accessories are worn in everyday life.

From Live Action Role Playing (LARP) to Cosplay (Costume Play), Pichler explores the wide array of imaginative traditions that exist throughout the world. To create his series, the artist visited the homes of his subjects and documented the creatively clad men and women going about everyday activities. He documented many surprising juxtapositions like an angel riding an exercise bike and an alien watching TV, and raises the following questions: “Why did the person choose this particular costume? Does the decoration style of the home give any kind of clues? And, most importantly, Who on earth is hidden behind the mask?”

Klaus Pichler’s website
via [Colossal]

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