Married Painters Express Raw Emotions through Life-Size Hyperrealistic Paintings

Artist Kit King and her husband Corey Oda Popp have collaborated to create paintings that feature a spectacular amount of detail. Each piece demonstrates the power of hyperrealism, utilizing intricate components to make lifelike art on a two-dimensional plane. Upon viewing their portfolio of work, the audience is given the remarkable feeling of looking through a microscope, witnessing individual pores, characteristic wrinkles, and fine hairs.

The artists skillfully utilize oil pigments and detail brushes to painstakingly perfect every minute feature of their lifelike paintings. Because of the duo’s meticulous precision, their subjects are brought to life. They also evoke powerful emotions, often articulated through the expressive eyes. With this ornate technique, the painters prove that the eyes are truly the window to the soul.

As a whole, onlookers are not only treated to paintings that intensify the human body, they’re also able to get a behind-the-scenes sense of what the painters’ models were feeling at the time. In other words, King and Popp are naturally gifted when it comes to painting both human bodies and complex emotions.

Kit King: Website | Facebook | Instagram
Corey Oda Popp: Website | Instagram 
via [Illusion]

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