More Spectacular Wonderland Photos by Kirsty Mitchell

The last time we wrote about Kirsty Mitchell, she was giving us a rare, behind-the-scenes look at her ongoing series Wonderland. When asked what we could expect from her next she said, “Goodies, baddies, no color, lots of color, props that get bigger and bigger, and bigger along with the costumes, and a magical end.”

After being introduced to the White Queen, the series continues as we presented with a slew of new photos that are, indeed, even more incredible than we could have ever imagined. Kirsty has always maintained that Wonderland is a “storybook without words.” She not only asks us to follow her beautifully woven tale but, more importantly, she wants us to see ourselves in her complicated characters.

“In these new pictures my muse Katie returns (the pale young woman who constantly appears in different forms) – she essentially represents the viewer ‘us’ and her journey through wonderland is our guide to the mood of what is to come next. You can see by the progression of the colours that the mood is darkening, Katie appears asleep, hollow, empty, and the life story of King Gammelyn ends in tragedy. Once again the new characters own a small ship, and just as the King is left broken and miserable, the Queen arrives for a second time in the mist holding out her key. Wonderland has grown dark, and is a far cry from the sunny days and bright garish colours it used to be, and the Queen appears to be having an effect on everyone around her…”

You can read all about each image and the painstaking process it took to create each one on her blog (or what she refers to as her “diary”). The parts I love the most, of course, are when Kirsty really opens up about her life – telling the viewer what each image, personally, means to her.

For example, here’s one my favorite quotes that pertains to the first image, above.

“Anyway, I have been sitting on this shot since August 2011, and finally releasing it now feels like a pressure valve being slowly undone. You see this picture marks the beginning of the end….. it represents Katie’s journey towards the final scenes of the Wonderland, and will very soon lead you (the viewer), to a very beautiful shoot I have been waiting to share for over a year now. Reaching that point will mean I am finally up to date and can at long last create the final 4 big scenes.

“The symbolism in this picture is quite a coincidence because it was intended to lead us away from the darkness of the more recent pictures, by representing Katie’s journey into the light, and yet at the same time ironically mirrors my current situation in real life. For the first time in almost 3 years the end of the series is in sight… my life has changed dramatically after leaving my career in fashion behind, and now for the first time since the project began I am meeting with people to discuss how the series will be brought out of the computer and into real life.

“So many things have been happening, and as scared as I’ve been, the reaction of people towards the pictures has been overwhelming.”

Now, directly from Kirsty herself, enjoy this new set of Wonderland photos along with some great behind-the-scenes shots.

Behind the Scenes:

Kirsty Mitchell’s website

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