Colorful Liquids Blend Together Into Captivating Abstract Forms

New York-based artist Kim Keever creates intriguing abstract photographs through an experimental exploration of form and color. To create each piece, the artist drops colorful paint pigments into a huge aquarium tank and then simply documents the interaction of liquids. The unpredictable process leads to beautifully abstract creations that look like billowing fabric, underwater creatures, and splatters of paint across a canvas. With a touch of imagination, viewers may begin to create narratives based on what they see.

Keever explains, “I’ve always lived near the water, whether it was the eastern shore of Virginia, Chicago or New York City. There’s a peaceful attraction to the flat rippling surface and the mysteries below. Maybe it’s a stretch but once I started taking photographs of constructed landscapes submerged in water in a 200-gallon aquarium, I realized I had found my signature work as an artist and have continued making and photographing underwater landscapes.”

Kim Keever’s website
via [It’s Complicated]

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