Blurring the Lines Between What’s Real and Ideal

Photographers Dagmar Keller and Martin Wittwer worked together to produce these stunning images, a project entitled I Knew Some of You Better Than Others, but I Miss You All. The collection of black and white self-portraits is a stunning body of work that was developed as a commentary on contemporary advertising trends. In the performance photographs, Keller and Wittwer pair their own bodies with images from fashion and lifestyle campaigns and advertisements.

There is a strong contrast between the often photoshopped flawless models in the ads compared to the more average bodies of Keller and Wittwer. The artists create compositions that seem almost lifelike, perfectly angling and aligning the magazine pages with their own bodies. The viewers eye can easily get lost in this fake reality and forget that there are two pieces to the visual puzzle. The project encourages viewers to consider what is fake and what is real, ultimately making a statement about the staged perfection of advertising.

Keller and Wittwer on FTC
via [Pulmonaire]

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