Monumental Keith Haring Mural Uncovered in Amsterdam After Being Hidden for 30 Years

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After being hidden for nearly 30 years, a massive mural by Pop Art pioneer and street artist Keith Haring has made its (second) grand debut in Amsterdam. At 40 feet tall, this piece is the late artist’s largest public work, making its recent uncovering even more monumental.

Rendered in his signature line art style, the piece depicts a cartoon-y scene typical of Haring: a faceless person riding on the back of a fantastical animal hybrid. Seemingly part dog—a motif that repeatedly pops up in Haring’s work—and part sea animal, the creature captures the whimsical side of Haring’s often poignant and politically-charged work.

Haring painted this eye-catching piece on the façade of the Stedelijk Museum‘s storage facility to celebrate his first museum solo exhibition in 1986. Just a few years later, however, the piece was concealed by sheets of aluminum as part of a climate control project. Though intended to be a gift to the city, it has been tucked away ever since.

Now, however, thanks to a campaign led by legendary graffiti artist Mick La Rock, the Dutch gallery Vroom&Varossieu, and the Stedelijk, the piece will be restored, preserved, and on display for new generations of street art fans to enjoy.

After being hidden for 30 years, a monumental Keith Haring mural has been uncovered in Amsterdam.

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Haring painted the piece in 1986.

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Prior to its big reveal, it had been concealed by aluminum sheets.

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Now, however, Amsterdam—and the rest of the world—can see it in its full graffiti glory.

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h/t: [Juxtapoz]

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