Hauntingly Surreal Images Inspired by Fairy Tales

Moscow-based photographer Katerina Plotnikova creates a haunting atmosphere in nature that draws inspiration from fairy tales. Her portfolio of work features enchanting young women lifted by spirits, floating in skies, and entangled in the branches of trees.

Plotnikova’s subjects appear as innocent as Alice from Alice in Wonderland, caught in a mysterious world of oddities. In one frame, a vertically displaced woman partakes in tea time as a puff of pink smoke envelopes her. There’s something both oddly ominous and beautiful about the image that works seamlessly due to the photographer’s brilliant color palette and keen eye for detail–right down to the spotted tea set that echoes the patterns in the model’s dress.

The women featured throughout Plotnikova’s growing collection of works echo this charming anomaly of calmly seated women in unconventional compositions. There is even the recurring image of chairs, whose sizes in relation to the subject matter constantly shifts, once again referencing Alice’s adventures. The photographer’s world is filled with intriguing quirks that include surreal, elongated gowns and Rapunzel-like hair that endlessly drapes alongside towering trees.

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via [etoday]

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